Monday, October 25, 2010

Thrown into Mondays

Who doesn't love a Monday....well up until Natalie started this year of school and dance each day was the same to me...I just had a extra person to care for Saturday and Sunday. So a Monday was just another day...not now! You have lazy Sunday right? Go to church do lunch and relax maybe get a little bit done for the upcoming week. Well I now get thrown into Monday like the rice chex my lovely AE crushed on my floor this morning! We have school bus, then wait in the car pick up line for a min of a hour. A hour(mind you that is a min) because if I do not get there to be first (or close to it) in line, Natalie does not make it to tap in time! Lets just say AE is not fond of a not moving car...ugh!

On an another who knew so much snot could come out of such a small being and nose. Thank goodness it is not my is however a child I am watching today! I love children, I really do and I can definitely keep friends children here and there no problem...but kudos to the FCC(women who set up at home day cares on post) or any daycare provider and teacher for that matter. You are brave souls!

So we(me) have decided to switch AE to cloth diapers. Yay! Any of you who have never used cloth or did when say you child was little who is now 10 and older you would be shocked in the cloth diaper community. I was! You can but you do not have to use the old school prefolds, pins and covers. We have only received one in the mail a super cute BumGenius 4.0 and have used it twice. The first time I was truly impressed with this diapers holding capability. It would have held more if we had stuffed it with more inserts! Anyways I think its nap time for the monsters! Off to another busy day!

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